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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

sketch #134

Thought I would add this in for the Creative Scrappers Challenge. Who knows, one day they might like what I make lol.


Been scrappin' up a storm in my little scrapescape. It's funny how I can make the word 'scrap' go with anything. I finally finished my Christmas gifts today, my little crafty presents. Anyway, here's my fav. :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

.shot through the heart and you're to blame.

lovin' the Bon Jovi time warp right now on the AMA's

it's another sunday.
i've just come home from a 4 hour carriage ride through the woods.
that sentence alone sounds very Austenesk. P & P always seems to be running through my mind any how. a novel I will constantly be reading- forever.

the ride. it was nice. different. we, the 5 of us. actually had to make conversation and entertain each other. no phones. no internet. no distraction. no anything but us.
the clomping of the horse's hooves- clip, clip, clip
birds chirping. squirrel's burrowing. deer, laughter and the pungent smell of decay. everything lying in wait for that white cold, comforting blanket to consume.
the shapes of snowflakes speak to me. all bundled up, stinging my cheeks and melting their uniqueness. never existing. not really.

another crushed PBR went sailing over the back of the carriage. K scolding Jake once again. some things just don't register with a man.
after the third attempt at squatting in the bushes, K and I decided it was time to be home. and warm. and clean. carriage riding is a dirty business. my fresh air quota has been filled. as well as my 'people coming out and taking pictures of 5 friends going for a carriage ride' quota. it's not like we were riding down the middle of a busy street, dodging cars. we were in the country. riding down dirt country roads. you couldn't walk a mile in any direction without hearing or seeing cows grazing. to each their own. numbing fingers were hastily rubbing numb thighs. snuggling close for body heat. a day well spent.

Monday, November 15, 2010

. a letter to an author.

Dear Elizabeth Gilbert...

I am currently reading your novel 'Eat Pray Love' and I have to say, I don't know if I can continue as I am stuck on page 61. This is why... You are in Italy at this point and you were just comparing forms of pleasure for both Americans and Italians... I find that your description of how American's seek pleasure was quite disturbing. I quote, "Generally speaking, though, Americans have an inability to relax into sheer pleasure. Ours is an entertainment-seeking nation, but not necessarily a pleasure-seeking one. Americans spend billions to keep themselves amused with everything from porn to theme parks to wars, but that's not exactly the same things as quiet enjoyment".
I understand the porn- which grosses millions of dollars each year. I understand theme parks- they're not just for kids. But I do not understand how you can actually write in print that Americans use 'war' as a form of entertainment. I am quite horrified right now. Elizabeth do you actually think that all of the men and women in our armed forces joined and fought over seas in terrible wars throughout our history because they wanted to entertain themselves? Seriously! You have already previously written in this book how distraught and heartbroken you were about 'your city's' twin towers being distroyed. Was this not because of our foreign enemies attacking us? Was the war in Iraq and Afghanistan not sparked because of this attack? Did the men and women, fellow Americans and the like die for nothing, according to you? Those that died, were they entertainment addicts? I believe you need to revisit this statement and really think about writing that war is for entertainment.
I am enjoying your novel, I find you rather funny and a little too analytical. Your anicdotes are interesting and you tend to run off on tangents, but otherwise... I am finding this little jaunt through your travel experiences wonderful. So... can I continue after this? Can I get past this very liberal opinion when I myself have a husband that fought in those wars? I guess I'll let you know.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

.my girl Ellie.

just wanted to share a smile :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

.back to basics.

Two pages of my little inspiration...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I walked gradually down my street today,
towards the woods- always towards the woods.
The leaves crunched beneath my shoes,
one of the most comforting sounds to me.

Children’s laughter, nails being hammered, dog’s crisp barks
carried through the wind in between the branches,
and the idly floating leaves.
I smiled, if only a faint whisper of one.

These long lost dreams are rattling around in silent corners
streaks of pink reflect on my sunglasses
as I pause again and again to take in the changing, swirling colours all around me
above, below, calling in the distance

this is always the best of me
alone in my thoughts
after a soft rain
the tree bark slick and damp
enhances the yellows, oranges, and reds in their splendor, their glory,
before they break free and drift swiftly to their death.

I’m hurting all over
I don’t breathe well alone.
I never have.
I feel as if I’m drifting with those leaves, inside an echo
by the time words reach my ears, there’s no telling how long it’s been reverberating-
through time
through place.

The best and worst thing I’ll ever be…
is a mother.
this title
this honor denied to many.
this person locked inside me.
desperately shaking- trembling with a rusty key grasped in my finger tips.
the lock so far out of focus.

Does he love me?
Need me?
know I love him so completely,
even if I don’t know how to show him.

it’s heart shattering. This child. This piece of me.
letting these dusty cracks fill in, become whole.
tears streak their scars down my skin.
leaving their track marks for the world to judge.
You know they are.
and always will.
nothing makes them proud…

how will I let go?
Be my person, my place, my thing.
my mind is racing,
pray my feet won’t follow.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

sketch 125!

This is the page I made based on the sketch 125 from creative scappers!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

done done

Finally finished my cousin's albums. Had a great time making them. They spent hours looking at every page- something a scrap artist always loves to see. :)
Going to start on some old projects I've been putting off tonight!
my fav...

Monday, October 4, 2010

never ending projects...

I'm working on a couple projects right now. First and foremost- my twin cousin's albums. They were supposed to be done for their 16th b-days, which was last year lol oops.
So, they're almost done now and I wanted to share a Lo from one of them. :)
Making these albums has been a huge challenge for me. I was making them both at the same time and realized that was my problem. I stopped making two at once and just focused on one. It's much easier to already have all the Lo's created and then just go back and duplicate them with different colors. My deadline is this weekend. It's my Canadian thanksgiving weekend back at home and I'm heading home this friday after my seminar. We're having a family dinner on sunday and they don't know I'm going to just show up and give them the albums. So, fingers crossed- I'll get them done. Now I'm off to create :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm going to scrap today. That is all. :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

old new york. new again

Another successful family trip out to the east coast again this year. Maureen picked New York City for all of us- the east coast family and more- to walk in the breast cancer walk in celebration of her. This was my third year walking, being a part of this family, getting to know this other side of my husband, my mother-in-law and the like. We had a wonderful time in New Jersey at Kerri + Brian's house. Telling stories, drinking wine, enjoying each other's company. I wish it was more than once a year.
so, the meat and potatoes- new york city.
I've had this fascination with new york since I knew the city existed. when I was around 14 years old I think. after watching many many movies of countless new york city backdrops, I began to dig a little deeper into where the city began, what it's become- the historian in me always taking over. my love grew into the obsession when I started following baseball and more specifically- The Yankees. And then again, the first time my eyes saw that cityscape while crossing the G.W Bridge... for once, I was speechless. that was two years ago. my first time meeting Sean's family as well.

so, the present...
I wrote about the city the night after I had spent the day in the city with Sean and our cousin Andrew.
-I couldn't keep my eyes open wide enough to take in all the grey surroundings of the concrete maze that is this city.
it was...intoxicating.
to feel my feet standing on the tarnished sidewalk, balancing me against the rush of the crowds and the sheer size of the towering giants- gave me purpose.

-the cigarette butts lay scattered and filthy
long forgotten after their last ember was sucked back
a smoky abyss- a 5min break discarded amongst millions
broken dreams and taxi horns shout their familiar empty echoes
the stench of gutter water burned my eyes
as I continue to glance back and forth from dirty faces and clean sidewalks
there is no color- only concrete
the color escaped into the flashing signs and famous windows
empty taxis line up, row on top of row
an endless stream of beggars wanting pennies for your distance and gold for your time.
new york,this is new york, the city.
it will break you... keep moving.
always directions to be pulled towards
this timeless pace
tireless- you only need find it.
I hid my face behind my lens
capturing moments. secrets
a face and then hundreds more
the city is in everything
always moving.

I wanted to walk for hours. until my ankles blistered and each toe cramped in their own individual way.
there are many more inches of this city calling my name, begging me to walk this way or that. To stop, mouth slightly agape as I stare in complete seduction. This beautiful dirty whore is worth every penny- every adulterous minute spent away from responsibility.
I've been here before- only briefly.
This trip seemed much more worthy, more naked and raw.
this constant exposure of my ever widening eyes never tired- never blinked.
I wanted it all- still want, greedy in my desire. I admit, unashamed.

I want to start some sort of travel channel reality show. Where I can actually get paid to travel to all these different cities and just write about my experience. No talking, no touristy stuff- just write about what I'm feeling, thinking, seeing... how great would that be?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

why kristen bell why?

so... out of my love for Kristen Bell, I went alone and saw When in Rome.
epic fail. it was terrible. the plot was wacked, the cinematrography was poorly edited, I mean come on people that get paid to edit those things. I could of edited that movie better with my eyes closed. it was awful. she had a bottle in her hands, next second it's sitting on the ledge, she has her purse, she doesn't have her purse, she has her purse. UGH! I'm annoyed at this movie. I paid money to see it, thinking she usually chooses her roles wisely-nope! there was wayy too much slapstick humor. for no reason they had the male lead be clumsy and fall into an open side-walk. WHY? they didn't give any reason as to why he was clumsy and needed to walk into things or fall into things...

i guess i read a movie like a read a book. if the first few pages don't catch my attention or draw me into the plot, i can't read it. if the start of the movie is awful, doesn't make sense and has too many songs come in and out, i should get up and leave the damn theater. bah!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

to begin...again?

After recently watching the movie Julie & Julia (fabulous by the way), and currently watching a marathon of my own collection of the series- Sex and the City... I've decided to try this whole blogging thing again.
I've been experiencing all these new things, I've been trying to write my book and although I am a big believer in writing with pen and paper first, I've going to get this blog going and attempt to write in it every day, if not, every other day.
I want to write about books I'm reading or have read. Quotes that I collect, movies and shows I watch... that sort of thing. Not just the everyday mundane- I'm having a bad day, blame the world bull. Really, and truly WRITE.

So... Julie & Julia- loved the whole blogging aspect, but- left me with questions. The idea of cooking through a cook book and writing about it- genius. The questions- why would this Julie girl talk about wanting to meet this amazing woman she calls her hero, cook through her cook book- the whole point of the movie itself- and not get to meet her in the end! UGH! All she mentions is that she was alive at the time and didn't like her blog... the end! Annoying. I hate when movies leave me wanting more. Or, when they leave me asking questions. I bet it was because Meryl Streep didn't want to wear make-up to make her look old, when she's already getting up there.
Next, my Sex and the City marathon. I'm in the second season and I've having all these weird deja-vu memories pop up. Like a certain episode I watched with Rich (college love I never had). Hearing their viewpoints on children- thinking about how I totally agreed- and now I totally disagree being a mother of one now. Some of the episodes are neurotic and would never happen in real-life. Some are insightful- especially the break-up rules one (one of my favs). Overall, enjoying them again. Something I look forward to as I continue running with my eyes closed through this last 2wk push of school. Life is a little chaotic right now, but I'm enduring, fighting, rising to the challenge and kicking ass. All I can ask for. Oh and it helps having my biggest fan standing in my corner :)