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Friday, January 30, 2009

what's luck got to do with it

.parents.snow. weightloss. new me?
well, that's a mouthful. and a half.

here i am. turning 24, on the eve of my first anniversary of being married to my husband sean.
our 8 month old son, Lucas, crashing and banging shapes on the floor. the snow falling in fluffy white innocence outside my livingroom window. me, contemplating my life, my little world inside my little yellow house. wanting desperately to write like i used to. need to, again.
wondering how my life got to this point. my new perspective being, accept what i have and work to make it great. the love of my life trying everyday to make me happy and his son happy. he's succeeding, even if i don't tell him everyday. 
i started a new revolutionary weight-loss supplement today. i weigh in at post-baby 205pds. the biggest i've ever been in my life to date. my goal weight is 140pds. i'm going to try my hardest, the hardest i've ever tried at anything in my life to lose this weight and feel better about myself and be happy. really, honestly happy.
here goes. wish me luck.